Jewish Veterans Ask U.S. Aid to Fight Terror

Jewish Veterans Ask U.S. Aid to Fight Terror
March 18, 1958
March 1958
Washington D.C.
original article

The Gazette and Daily (York, PA)
original article

Book Review

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The Jewish War Veterans called on state and national authorities yesterday to join in stamping out "terrorist activities" directed at Jews and their institutions. Benjamin H. Chasin, national commander of the veterans' organization, said Sunday's dynamiting of Jewish centers in Miami, Fla., and Nashville, Tenn., "clearly indicates a conspiracy reaching across state lines." In telegrams to Gov. Frank Clement of Tennessee, Gov. Leroy Collins of Florida and U. S. Attorney General William Rogers, Chasin added: "State and federal agencies should join in stopping what appears to be the beginning of organized, nationwide terrorist activities. Urge you use fullest powers at your command to find those guilty of perpetrating this outrage. Swift and dynamic action is the only deterrent to the state of anarchy. We offer you our fullest support." Anti-semitism has been creeping into the southern segregationist movement for several years. It has ranged from inflammatory literature to the weekend bombings...
The Jewish War Veterans called on state and national authorities yesterday to join in stamping out "terrorist activities" directed at Jews and their institutions. Benjamin H. Chasin, national commander of the veterans' organization, said Sunday's dynamiting of Jewish centers in Miami, Fla., and Nashville, Tenn., "clearly indicates a conspiracy reaching across state lines." In telegrams to Gov. Frank Clement of Tennessee, Gov. Leroy Collins of Florida and U. S. Attorney General William Rogers, Chasin added: "State and federal agencies should join in stopping what appears to be the beginning of organized, nationwide terrorist activities. Urge you use fullest powers at your command to find those guilty of perpetrating this outrage. Swift and dynamic action is the only deterrent to the state of anarchy. We offer you our fullest support." Anti-semitism has been creeping into the southern segregationist movement for several years. It has ranged from inflammatory literature to the weekend bombings...
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