Something Different: Kindergarten Classes To Thin Out Next Year

Something Different: Kindergarten Classes To Thin Out Next Year
May 23, 1954
May 1954
Middletown, Ohio
original article

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Book Review

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Middletown schools, unlike the overstuffed halls of learning all over the nation, are expected to have more vacant seats in September 1954 than at the beginning of the current school year. This local quirk does not mean that baby production in Middletown fell off greatly during 1949 while it was booming throughout the United States. Less five-year-olds than usual will enter kindergarten in 1954 because of a change in Board of Education bookkeeping...
Middletown schools, unlike the overstuffed halls of learning all over the nation, are expected to have more vacant seats in September 1954 than at the beginning of the current school year. This local quirk does not mean that baby production in Middletown fell off greatly during 1949 while it was booming throughout the United States. Less five-year-olds than usual will enter kindergarten in 1954 because of a change in Board of Education bookkeeping...
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