Who Covers Entertainment For Metropolitan Dailies?
Who Covers Entertainment For Metropolitan Dailies?
Who Covers Entertainment For Metropolitan Dailies?
Who Covers Entertainment For Metropolitan Dailies?
Who Covers Entertainment For Metropolitan Dailies?
Book Review
Spring 1958 - Washington D.C.
![Who Covers Entertainment For Metropolitan Dailies?]()
THE ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR OF A large metropolitan daily works in so special a field only students too foolish or confident or romantic to be deterred by reality can set out for the job. Even if they dare, students have little to go on. Where do entertainment editors come from? How do they get their jobs? What do they do? Recently while preparing an article more concerned with theater than journalism, I tried to find out something about these men. Questionnaires were sent to entertainment editors on the newspapers of the 24 largest cities next to New York, whose critics were ignored because enough has been written about them and their special function. Cities smaller than San Antonio, Texas, also were eliminated, for their entertainment writers, when they have any, find little theater to worry about. Twenty-one answered...
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