
related books by Stanley Meisler:

Europe Worried Over Impact of Missile Accord

Europe Worried Over Impact of Missile Accord

Europe Worried Over Impact of Missile Accord

Europe Worried Over Impact of Missile Accord

Europe Worried Over Impact of Missile Accord

December 6, 1987
December 1987
Book Review

Europe Worried Over Impact of Missile Accord
When the U.S. and Soviet leaders meet this week in Washington, Western Europe will be looking on like a bashful cheerleader, too nervous to cheer very loudly but too loyal to let the side down. This ambiguity has led to some confusion. In public pronouncements, all the West European leaders welcome the summit meeting and endorse its probable main achievement--the signing of a treaty to eliminate American and Soviet intermediate-range nuclear weapons, the kind that could strike at the Soviet Union from Europe and at Europe from the Soviet Union. But many European government officials in private, and many newspaper and strategic analysts in public, say they are resigned to the treaty and express worry about where it will lead...