Splendors of Topkapi, Palace of the Ottoman Sultans
Splendors of Topkapi, Palace of the Ottoman Sultans
Splendors of Topkapi, Palace of the Ottoman Sultans
Splendors of Topkapi, Palace of the Ottoman Sultans
Splendors of Topkapi, Palace of the Ottoman Sultans
February 1, 2000
February 2000
Book Review

Treasures from an Istanbul palace reveal the power and mystique of the sultans who lived here. For centuries, the Western world was fascinated by the marvels and mysteries of the Ottoman Empire and the sultans who ruled their vast domains from the Topkapi Palace in Istanbul. Writers, composers and artists celebrated or satirized the omnipotence and opulence of the sultans and the secrecy lurking in the harem. The creative works about the Turks were so numerous that the French had a word for the genre: Turqueries. The examples are plentiful and well-known. In the 17th century, Molière's Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme ridicules a bourgeois father who allows a young man to marry his daughter only after the suitor pretends to be the son of the sultan. In the 18th century, Mozart's opera The Abduction from the Seraglio tells the story of two kidnapped young women who are freed from a pasha's palace. In the 19th century, Ingres beguiles his patrons by painting fanciful scenes of voluptuous women lying languidly in the harem and Turkish baths...
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