[The tax bill which has cleared the House and now awaits Senate action involves far more than a cut in tax rates. It is a complicated measure involving many other changes. Here are some questions and answers on how it might affect you.] The tax bill approved yesterday by the House would reduce income taxes by $11,000,000,000 for the nation as a whole. If the Senate passes it in its present form, what will the measure do for you? Here are answers to some of the questions a puzzled taxpayer might be raising: Question - Will this mean more money in my pocket? Answer - The Treasury Department says "virtually every American taxpayer" will pay less taxes if the bill is approved by Congress. Q. - How much more money? A. - That depends on your income. For example, the Treasury figures that average tax reductions for those in the $5,000-$10,000 income range will be about 20 percent. Using percentages, the biggest tax cuts will go to those earning less than $10,000 a year. But, whatever the percentage, those with high salaries will usually get more dollars in their pocket than those with lower salaries...
[The tax bill which has cleared the House and now awaits Senate action involves far more than a cut in tax rates. It is a complicated measure involving many other changes. Here are some questions and answers on how it might affect you.] The tax bill approved yesterday by the House would reduce income taxes by $11,000,000,000 for the nation as a whole. If the Senate passes it in its present form, what will the measure do for you? Here are answers to some of the questions a puzzled taxpayer might be raising: Question - Will this mean more money in my pocket? Answer - The Treasury Department says "virtually every American taxpayer" will pay less taxes if the bill is approved by Congress. Q. - How much more money? A. - That depends on your income. For example, the Treasury figures that average tax reductions for those in the $5,000-$10,000 income range will be about 20 percent. Using percentages, the biggest tax cuts will go to those earning less than $10,000 a year. But, whatever the percentage, those with high salaries will usually get more dollars in their pocket than those with lower salaries...
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