The Two Goldwaters
The Two Goldwaters
The Two Goldwaters
The Two Goldwaters
The Two Goldwaters
October 29, 1963
October 1963
Book Review
![The Two Goldwaters]()
For most of his years under the lights of Washington, Barry Goldwater of Arizona has sported the guise of a hard-hitting, sure-thinking Republican who speaks his mind without blur or fuzz or fudge. “Much of his popular appeal,” wrote biographers Rob Wood and Dean Smith two years ago, “centers around his willingness to stand firm on his beliefs, and to speak frankly - even bluntly - no matter what the cost.” Even as late as last August, Russell Kirk, the sage of the National Review, could write, “he has a mind calculated to arrive at hard decisions without dangerous vacillation.” Goldwater’s views always have evoked the same journalistic vocabulary: decisiveness, ring of action, no pussyfooting. In recent weeks, however, this rock image has begun to flake. Newsmen have started the inevitable comparison of recent pronouncements and found them clashing. Goldwater simply is not saying the same things he said so surely one, two or three years ago, or he is saying them with far less sureness in his tone...
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